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Are you wondering what to do after High School?
You are not alone…
You’ve got plenty of classmates that are in the same boat.
They are wondering, just like you, if the traditional journey of two-year or four-year college is right for them. If they commit to all of that time and money, what exactly would they study and what would they do with their degree afterwards? After all, college is not inexpensive and the days of getting a job simply because you have a degree are long gone.
That is why it is important to look at all of your options. That’s why we’d like to help. There are great careers waiting in dentistry and the demand is extremely high for candidates with good personalities and basic skills. We offer accelerated courses giving you everything you need to enter the field in only a few months and a fraction of the cost of college.
We really appreciate that you took the time to see us at the career fair or listened to our lecture. As a thank you, we’d like to send you our ebook “The Dental Assistant’s Guidebook; Career Success in a Post-Pandemic World” Our book will show you how, in just a few months, you can start your career in dentistry without spending tens of thousands of dollars and two to four years of time. In fact, you can even work or take care of your family while you learn since our courses are on Saturdays.
Section One: Opportunity
In the first section, we reveal how Covid-19, mass-migration and corporate takeovers have created a perfect storm of opportunity for dental staff in the Carolinas. You can’t imagine the changes going on the field right now that will benefit you.
Section Two: Myths
The second section, we dispel myths about higher education, earnings and employment that might surprise you. If you have ever had a doubt about whether college is the right fit for you, you need to read this.
Section Three: Next Steps
In the third section, we outline the ways to become a dental assistant in our state and give you the information you need to help decide if this is the career path for you.