Advanced Laboratory Techniques

2 Clock Hours Didactic Instruction
6 Clock Hours Laboratory Instruction

Single Session 8am to 5pm

Tuition and Fees Total $ 485.00

Course Prerequisite

Completion of MDA001 or previous DA Level II certification is required.

Course Description

The Advanced Laboratory course at DSI is open to students who have completed MDA I or who are licensed DA level IIs who wish to review or expand their skills. Participants will learn advanced chairside and office laboratory techniques.

Areas covered include advanced model preparation, facebow and articulation, provisional fabrication using multiple techniques and materials and the repair and refurbishing of removable and orthodontic appliances. Lastly, students will learn a precise technique for fabricating whitening trays, surgical guides and retainers. All units consist of both didactic and hands-on sections. By the end of the course, all students will have properly mounted casts on which they will have created provisional restorations

Course Outline

AM Session

Fabrication and duplication of several types of study casts to make individual working casts.
Shade taking, photography and lab communication.
Proper laboratory disinfection
Study model preparation including orthodontic trimming and soaping
Introduction to facebow records
Articulation and mounting of casts on various types of articulators.
Using the vacu-former for retainers, trays and stents
Repair and polishing of removable appliances including use of the pressure pot for proper acrylic curing.

PM Session

Using casts and stents from the morning, the afternoon session will concentrate on the proper fabrication of several types of provisional restorations as well as whitening trays. Proper provisional cementation as well as patient management will be reviewed.