North Carolina Dental Radiography Certification

7 Clock Hours Didactic Instruction
14 Clock Hours Clinical Instruction

Three Sessions 8am to 5pm

Tuition and Fees Total $ 795.00

Course Description

The Dental Radiography Certification course at DSI incorporates three full day sessions to satisfy the requirements of the North Carolina State Board of Dental Examiners. Students will receive seven hours of didactic instruction in the terminology, production, usage and types of radiography used in dentistry. The second and third seven-hour session includes hands-on instruction and clinical application of the knowledge gained in the didactic portion. Students who successfully complete all 21 hours of instruction and pass the written and clinical dental radiography exam will be awarded a certificate of achievement.


The North Carolina Dental Board has increased the clinical hours requirement from seven to fourteen hours. This is now the required minimum in order to legally take radiographs on patients in the state. Though there may be schools who have not updated their courses, both the NC dental board and the NC State Board of Proprietary schools have indicated that there is the potential for rescinding certificates if the course does not meet these standards. This would mean that you would be taking radiographs illegally on patients. We do not think that this is a chance you, or your doctor should take.

Course Outline

Session 1

X-ray discovery and history
Radiation Physics
The Dental X-Ray Machine
Types of Radiation
Radiation effects and safety
Dental film
Hand and automatic processing
Digital image capture and processing
Intraoral radiography: paralleling, bisecting, bite-wing and occlusal techniques
Extraoral radiography: panoramic, cephalometric and skull views
Emerging cone-beam 3D technologies

Session 2 and 3

Clinical application using the Rinn XCP instruments, various other film holders and the dental radiography mannequin
Infection control
Technique error review
Recognition of anatomic landmarks
Mounting intraoral radiographic series
Usage of the panoramic machine
Dental Radiography clinical exam