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Proper oral care helps seniors age well
[ad_1] How essential is having a healthy mouth to your physical health? According to many medical experts, you really can’t be in peak physical condition if your oral health isn’t what it should be. Dentists who are aware of this correlation tell their patients to think about their mouths as the “gateway to wellness.” No…
Drilling Down on Dental Specialties
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The 4 Pillars Of A Smooth Cloud Transition For Dental Organizations
[ad_1] Dr. Orentlicher, section chief of the Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at White Plains Hospital, observed that “Any new, innovative unfamiliar treatment workflow, material, software, instrumentation or equipment requires effort to master.” He continued, “Rarely is an innovation introduced in dentistry that comprehensively disrupts the way things have been done traditionally.” He observed that the…